What is this?

Invasive species are non-native species that can significantly disrupt an ecosystem’s balance through their introduction, multiplication and spread. In their newly introduced environment, they may cause severe damage to the native species, potentially resulting in habitat destruction, decreased biodiversity, the spread of disease, and even the displacement of the local species. Invasive species are considered hard to eradicate since they can reproduce rapidly and often have no natural predators. Human activity, such as transferring plants and animals between countries and/or even continents, can be largely responsible for their spread. As individuals, it is important to stay informed about the risks that come with the introduction of invasive species and to take responsible action when travelling or when performing acts such as fishing or gardening.

See also: ecology, mycelium, fungi, soil, ecosystem

UWP interviews 002 with Sophie Strand June 2021 1,074

Sophie Strand: Myth & Mycelium 679

IAN MACKENZIE & SOPHIE STRAND: Composting the Mycelial Masculine 528

On Mycelium, Compost, and Animate Sensibilities: A Conversation With Sophie Strand 278

Re-imagined Education, Cybernetic Flow and Bewilderment with Sophie Strand and Bayo Akomolafe - E147 274

The Portal of the Divine Feminine with Sophie Strand 212

Re/searching the Sacred | REC 2.0 210

The Rewilding Podcast Episode 28: Rewilding Myth w/ Sophie Strand 122

SOPHIE STRAND on Myths as Maps /312 84