Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

An invasive species, according to Sophie Strand, is an organism that, when introduced to a non-native ecosystem, disrupts the existing ecological balance, often outcompeting indigenous species and leading to significant environmental and economic consequences. She portrays these species not merely as biological intruders, but as complex symbols of human-mediated change and ecological vulnerability. Through her poetic lens, the arrival of an invasive species is akin to an unwelcome, but revealing, narrative twist—unfolding the often-overlooked connections and imbalances shaped by centuries of human activity. She emphasizes that while these species can wreak havoc on local biodiversity, they also serve as poignant reminders of the intricate and fragile tapestries of life that bind all living things together.

See also: ecology, mycelium, fungi, soil, ecosystem

UWP interviews 002 with Sophie Strand June 2021 1,074

Sophie Strand: Myth & Mycelium 679

IAN MACKENZIE & SOPHIE STRAND: Composting the Mycelial Masculine 528

On Mycelium, Compost, and Animate Sensibilities: A Conversation With Sophie Strand 278

Re-imagined Education, Cybernetic Flow and Bewilderment with Sophie Strand and Bayo Akomolafe - E147 274

The Portal of the Divine Feminine with Sophie Strand 212

Re/searching the Sacred | REC 2.0 210

The Rewilding Podcast Episode 28: Rewilding Myth w/ Sophie Strand 122

SOPHIE STRAND on Myths as Maps /312 84